A mental radiesthesia guide Print this pagePrint this page
A mental radiesthesia guide
Price: 2.40 EUR 2.20 EUR ex.VAT

Weight: 0.08 kg
Book: How to win the lotto by using radiaesthesic pendulum

Author: Paul Jeanot

Publisher: Mediks Ltd

ISBN: 954-799-124-8

Size: 115х165 mm

Languages: English, German, Romanian, Russian and Bulgarian.

The name of this book is too commercial and provocative. But in fact this is a concise and accesible mental radiesthesia guide. The foundations of the mental medical radiesthesia, the radiesthesia in interpersonal relationships, in business are all explained in it.

In the book the method for making predictions in gambling is also explained. If you wish you can have fun by trying to predict the results in a gambling game - the Lotto for example. But do not take this too seriously. Just have fun. And you may win.

